Spreading the Gospel
The gospel is good news for Atlanta.

Gallery 1740
ChristChurch is home to Gallery 1740, which seeks to contribute to the Atlanta art scene by showcasing emerging and established artists who demonstrate thought-provoking concepts and technical craftsmanship.

Helping to spread the gospel around the world…
ChristChurch recognizes itself as one small part of the Global Church and we want to see strong, healthy churches all over the world. So we’re heavily investing our people, prayer, and resources in a number of international ministries, including Mission to the World.
…and in our own backyard.
We support various initiatives to bring the gospel to our own nation and city while equipping our members to demonstrate the love of Christ in everyday encounters around Atlanta. We support college ministries such as Reformed University Fellowship, Cru, and Intervarsity Fellowship.

Caring for those in need—inside and outside the church
Our Mercy Ministry, overseen by our deacons, aims to care for those inside and outside the church. One way we do this is by supporting many ministries and organizations in the work they do in Atlanta and around the world.