
Find Your Place


Home Groups

It’s easy to feel anonymous in a big city. That’s why home groups are a vital part of our church life—they’re where we connect with each other regularly for community, care, and outreach. Groups meet on various nights of the week throughout the city.



ChristChurch is excited to partner with parents to raise up their children to know and love the Lord as their greatest treasure. By God’s design, parents have a unique responsibility to nurture their child’s faith. The Woodland children’s ministry is committed to equipping parents in their role through monthly parent resource letters, topical parenting seminars, and various other opportunities throughout the year.

All children’s ministry staff and volunteers are trained and have undergone a criminal background screening.

  • Sunday mornings from 9-10 am

  • Offered for 4-5 year-olds during the sermon every Sunday

  • VBS takes place from June 2-6, 2025. Registration will open in the spring.

  • See our well child policy HERE.


Growing up in today’s world is challenging. We believe healthy navigation of life’s challenges comes through the context of healthy relationships. That’s why the foundation of TheLOFT Student Ministry is creating relationships between 6-12th grade students and godly men and women. We develop these relationships through service, Bible study, and creating shared experiences between students and leaders.

  • Sunday mornings from 9-10 am

  • Sundays from 6-8 pm


We want to build relationships that refresh and challenge our spirits so we can live out our faith actively and authentically. We believe the world is hungry for men of character, wisdom, and service in the model of Jesus Christ.

We provide opportunities for all levels of involvement—from monthly fellowship nights, quarterly breakfasts,  and weekly small-group Bible studies.


Grow in understanding of our unique, God-given calling and value as women. Learn to integrate our faith into all areas of life. Foster authentic relationships between women of all ages. Share the gospel with our city by serving its people with compassion.

  • Each study group offers a unique blend of women from all ages and stages. We have both morning and evening options. Childcare is provided during the morning studies for newborns to four years old.

Young Adults

Our young adults ministry is a community of single and married adults in their 20s who love Jesus and gather regularly to worship, serve, and laugh together.

  • Meets in a local home on the first Thursday of each month from 6:30-8:30 pm.

  • Check out the Young Adults calendar HERE.

Music & Arts

We believe creative endeavors are part of what it means to be people made in the image of God. As such, we seek to nourish and celebrate the role of artists in our church and our city. 

Sunday morning worship is led by an ensemble of musicians and singers. We strive to be genre-diverse, encompassing historic and modern elements and reflecting the culture of the city around us.

Stephen Ministry

Everyone goes through difficult times, but God doesn’t intend for you to struggle alone. Having someone to listen, care, and share God’s love with you can help you get through the confusion, stress, sorrow, or loneliness you may be experiencing. Stephen Ministers are trained church members who are available to meet with, pray with, and walk alongside those who are struggling with painful or overwhelming circumstances.